
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rolling Stone Magazines Top 500 Songs (#491-500)

491. I Love Rock n Roll: Joan Jett- Great riff. Classic rock song. Iconic eighties.

492. I Will Survive: Gloria Gaynor- The theme song of the Carter Years! It quickly became a woman's anthem. Since then, the gay community has adopted it.

493. Time to Pretend: MGMT- WTF??? Reminds me of bubble gum pop from the seventies. The video is an acid trip.

494. Ignition (Remix): R Kelly- Nothing special here. Heard this a million times by a million different people.

495. Brown Sugar: The Rolling Stones- After Altamont, the Stones decided to go low key. So, they wrote a song about slaves sold down in New Orleans and working the cotton fields. Of course, the object of the song is a young girl that is as sweet as brown sugar.

496. Running on Empty: Jackson Browne- Yet another undervalued song. Browne says a lot about society at the time. Although a rock song, it's a better country song than most of today's country!

497. The Rising: Bruce Springsteen- This might be the only song of last decade worthy of the list. A song of hope following 911. If you like this one, check out Lonesome Day.

498. Miss You: The Rolling Stones- I remember when this came out. It was everywhere. Bill Wyman's best work!

499. Buddy Holly: Weezer- This is now a classic with a top notch video. Again, why so low?

500. Shop Around: Smokey Robinson and the Miracles- This is the first of three Smokey songs. I am surprised it is this low especially since there are 27 songs from the aughts on the list.

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