
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ted Nugent: Kiss My Ass (1995)

1995's Spirit of the Wild marked Ted Nugent's return to his old school hard rock sound. The album really bared Ted's soul and included odes to hunting and politics. "Kiss My Ass" is Ted's response to the political class and culture of the time. It makes for an interesting listen because of all the individuals Ted tells to "kiss his ass" as well as putting forth Ted's own political views. Those facing Ted's wrath include: Gang bangers, Janet Reno, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, the IRS, Howard Stern, the U.N., liberals, Sarah Brady, Beavis and Butthead, Courtney Love, and the Crips and Bloods. Politically, he attacks animal rights activists, hippies, professional protesters, vegans, and incest.

Warning: Song may offend some....especially those of the progressive persuasion.



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