
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rolling Stone Mag's Top 500 Songs #301-310

301. Street Fighting Man: The Rolling Stones- Back when rock was about revolution and bad behavior as opposed to getting on Grey’s Anatomy and Glee.

302. Get Up, Stand Up: Bob Marley- Amazing how many of these potheads were about revolution. You’d think they’d be too mellow to care!

303. Heart of Gold: Neil Young- Young’s second appearance. Old Man didn’t make it though. Amazing.

304. Sign o the Times: Prince- According the write-up, this made the list b/c it was socially conscious during the age of hair metal.

305. One Way or Another: Blondie- Classic obsession…then she wants to ditch him.

306. Like a Prayer: Madonna- When it’s time to burn crosses, call Madonna. Nothing like a little KKK solidarity!

307. One More Time: Daft Punk- The first use of the Auto-Tune in a hit song. Damn them to hell.

308. Do Ya Think I’m Sexy: Rod Stewart- Everything that was wrong with the seventies is here.

309. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain: Willie Nelson- This is actually a cover of an old standard. Made Willie a star.

310. Ruby Tuesday: The Rolling Stones- Goodbye Ruby Tuesday…

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